Red Fox vs Royal Purple (7th April, 2020)
Evaporation, Corrosion and Friction Tests

Test Procedures

  1. Add 20.01g Steel Shield Red Fox into the pot, then add 20.01g Royal Purple into another pot.
  2. Polish two 2.32g copper coins for corrosion test.
  3. Put one coin into each pot, then put the pots onto the heaters and cook at 180°C for 3 hours. Alternative every 30 minutes.
  4. Conduct two friction tests for Red Fox and Royal Purple separately by using Timken machine. Each test was conducted by using 8 weights in 5 minutes.

The Results of Evaporation Test

  1. The total original weight of the pot with Red Fox and the coin was 24.54g. After cooking, it was found that the new weight was 24.23 which lost 0.31g.
  2. The total original weight of the pot with Royal Purple and the coin was 24.53g. After cooking, it was found that the new weight was 23.96 which lost 0.57g.

The Results of Corrosion Test

  1. After cooking, it was found that the coin in Red Fox was only slight tarnish (defined as color "1a" in ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard Chart) in color which proved that the oil was perfectly non-corrosive.
  2. After cooking, it was found that the coin in Royal Purple turned into darker color according to ASTM's Corrosion Standard Chart. This showed that the coin was slightly corroded.

The Results of Friction Test

  1. For Red Fox, the mark created by friction in the Timken machine was only 2.6mm.
  2. For Royal Purple, the mark created by friction in the Timken machine was 4.5mm.

The Conculsion

From the results above, Steel Shield Rex Fox outperformed Royal Purple in evaporation, corrosion and friction tests!